You can expect your refund to be processed within 14 days of sending the parcel back to us. You'll be refunded in the same way you chose to pay. We'll always send you a Return Confirmation email when we have received your return and are processing your refund payment.
If you haven't received your return or refund confirmation from us, please get in touch here. If you haven't received your return or refund confirmation from us, please get in touch here. Remember you can speak to Klarna directly for any Card or Pay Later help.
Once your refund has been processed, it will be visible in your bank account within 14 days (although it’s normally much quicker than this).
Your refund will be processed as soon as our warehouse receives your return. PayPal will send you a separate email confirming this.
You can choose to return your parcel with DHL, Hermes or DPD, by using the return label you have in your parcel:
We provide you with a multicarrier label, which means that with the return label included in the parcel, you can choose to return either with DHL, Hermes or DPD
You will receive a return tracking number so you can follow the status of your return
If you need a new return label, you can create a new one here.
Please note that if you create a new return label using the link above, you will only be able to make your return using the DHL service
Be sure to keep hold of your receipt in the meantime, since the responsibility of the return is yours until it reaches us.
Please note that items bought online cannot be refunded or exchanged in any of our stores.
Make up and skincare products cannot be returned for hygiene reasons.
Underwear, bodies and pierced jewellery cannot be returned unless faulty, and swimwear must have the hygiene strip.
We do not accept returns of garments purchased in store through our online returns service. However, if you were unable to return your item during a temporary store closure, we will extend our returns policy to 45 days from when your local store has reopened. For updated information on opening times, head to our store locator.
Returns take a maximum of 14 days to reach our warehouse and be processed for a refund. Once this has been done, you’ll receive a return confirmation email to let you know. If you haven’t received confirmation after 14 days, please contact customer service here with your proof of return and a list of the items returned.
If you need a replacement returns note, you can find this here. If you are missing the self-adhesive return label from your parcel, please contact customer service.
Please note that items bought online currently cannot be refunded or exchanged in any of our stores.
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