We are tracking progress data for our Tier 1 supply chain and have already seen a positive trend against our 2020 baseline:
In addition to the above work, and to further support women in our supply chain, their families and their neighbours, we launched the first of our community investment projects in 2023. Using 100% of the profits from the sale of our COS tote bag, we have invested in partnerships with non-profit organisations to deliver projects that address key gender equality issues in communities surrounding our supply chain.
Find out more about the two initiatives that have benefitted from the funding in Bangladesh and Türkiye below.

Yanindayiz Dernegi, Türkiye

CARE Bangladesh
Since 2023, we have been working with CARE Bangladesh to fund Women Friendly Spaces (WFS) for women who work in our factories, including their neighbours and friends. These spaces provide education on GBVH, problem solving and decision making, stress management, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and food and nutrition. Additional activities such as inspirational talks by female role models, couple’s cooking competitions and street performances further boost the overall reach and impact. The project is a part of Oporajita – a wider programme initiated by the H&M Foundation.
Since partnering with CARE, 2,595 people have been directly reached through WFS memberships and we have provided 2,540 women with foundational training on GBVH issues.
Together with CARE, we will begin work to ensure these Women Friendly Spaces (WFS) are self-sustaining for the long term.
Photograph courtesy of Erik Stackpole Undéhn